Drinks, networking, self-development & raffle give-away
- July 15, 2019
100 Murray Street
Darling Harbour

Drinks, networking & some succinct, important focused self-development…
Following last month’s meetup which was a success in terms of connection and building key relationships I was asked to hold these monthly.
So on request, the next one will be upcoming soon & to be held in July!
This time we’ll have 2-3 key speakers on important topics.
Initially meet for drinks at the bar on the first level just near the Ternary entrance for networking. We’ll order some free food n nibblies initially and after networking move into the Orange Room to the left of the bar.
6-6:45pm : Networking
6:45pm – 8pm : Speakers
( two 5 mins break in between)
8pm : Raffle give away & networking
Nb: topics & speakers to be announced shortly. All topics are self-improvement related & please keep in mind if you paid each expert separately this meetup would be valued in the thousands of dollars. It’s our gift to you absolutely for free.
Also, there is NO selling at this event. It is entirely educational and professional & personal growth driven. The driver we are looking for is social & professional change – bringing forth & fostering leadership & entrepreneurship within members and additionally giving back to the community.
The information within such an event would normally be valued over $1597.
Also, please note any no shows means you’ve secured a spot another member could have taken. 2 no shows will result in immediate removal from this & any other groups.
If you commit, please turn up! The first test of the character of anyone is whether they keep their word – It says a helluva lot about you straight up if you keep your word. Whilst we understand that circumstances occur and hiccups in life happen – if you can’t come along & keep a 2-2.5 hour commitment please just communicate & let us know!
We look forward to seeing you at this meetup!
Bring along business cards, digital cards &/or lots of smiles and your positive energy. ****Please treat this event as an OPPORTUNITY! ****